Daring Mechanician

Daring Mechanician

Building Applications with Tool Augmented Generative AI

The Daring Mechanician project provides several Python packages for building Generative AI-enabled applications where the AIs themselves are provided tools to use, an approach that can be described as Tool Augmented Generation (TAG), and the tool-wielding Generative AIs can be described as Tool Augmented Generative AIs (TAG AIs).

The core mechanician package provides modules for building, testing, and tuning TAG AIs and the tools that these AIs use, including support for AI-driven testing and AI-assisted tuning of the instruction sets given to an AI that we call Instruction Auto-Tuning (IAT).

The mechanician-openai package provides AIConnectors for both OpenAI's Chat API and Assistants API, and there are plans to create connectors for more LLMs with tool-call support, especially local LLMs.

The mechanician-arangodb module provides AITools that let AIs interact with the ArangoDB graph database.

The source code for these packages can be found on Github in the mechanician repo

Tool Augmented Generation (TAG)

Foundation Models are inherently limited by the scope of their training data and the static nature of that data, Tool Augmented Generation (TAG) provides AIs with tools that let them interact with databases, APIs, and code libraries, enhancing their knowledge and capabilities and giving them access to up-to-date information, the ability to perform computations, and to interact with external systems, and can provide them a form of memory that spans multiple context windows, like what OpenAI announced here.

In contrast to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), which uses a knowledge base to retrieve information and augment the prompt sent to an AI, Tool Augmented Generative AIs can retrieve information themselves, and also perform actions across multiple systems, databases, and APIs, extending Generative AIs from pure knowledge repositories to active participants in information processing and generation.

NOTE: You can build a RAG application using a TAG AI to create a RAGTAG AI Application.

TAG leverages the "Function Calling", or "Tool Calling", capabilities available in several Large Language Models, including OpenAI's GPT, and is meant to complement other approaches to augmenting Foundation Models, like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and Fine Tuning (FT).

Designing Tools for AIs to Use

TAG AIs can be observed performing multi-step problem solving, driven by the feedback provided by their tools, and learning to use those tools effectively through that feedback, so it is necessary for the tools to provide effective feedback, often through natural language, when reporting errors or providing results.

Generative AIs will learn from their mistakes and successes, if the tools provide feedback that the AI can learn from.

See Getting Started with Daring Mechanician for an example of how to build a Tool Augmented Generative AI (TAG AI).

Instruction Tuning (IT)

In addition to learning from the feedback provided by the tools they use, TAG AIs can learn from the feedback they receive from users.

But since TAG AIs do not necessarily undergo further training, or Fine Tuning, that permanently encodes what they learned, they can only learn within the context window where feedback is received, and must start from scratch during the next session.

In order to make these learned behaviors persistent, they must be captured through a process of Instruction Tuning, or prompt engineering, where the initial instructions provided to the AI, the instructions provided for the tools the AI can use, and the feedback provided by those tools are revised and improved, incorporating lessons learned during interactions with users.

This process starts with creating an initial set of AI Instructions, Tool Instructions, and Tool Feedback, that are used to guide the AI's behavior and responses, and then iteratively refining those instructions and tool feedback based on the AI's performance during interactions with users.

At the start of this process, the prompting provided to the AI often consists of explicit and detailed steps, but as the process proceeds, you sometimes discover that the AI doesn't need such detailed prompting, and that more general prompting approach can be used, letting it will work out the details on its own, and other times you discover the reverse where the AI makes incorrect assumptions, and more explicit prompting is required.

In order to speed up this process, it is useful to use an Evaluator AI that acts as an user surrogate, interactively eliciting responses from the AI as the two work through multi-step tasks. See Getting Started with AI-Driven Testing for more information on Evaluator AIs.

Instruction Auto-Tuning (IAT)

By observing an AI's interactions with users and other AIs, an Instructor AI can refine and update the AI's current instructions and the instructions describing the tools the AI can use.

The Instructor AI is given the AI's current set of instructions, instructions for the tools used by the AI, and the transcript of interactions between the AI and a User (or Evaluator AI), including the AI tool calls and responses.

See Getting Started with Instruction Auto-Tuning for an example of how to use the Instruction Auto-Tuning (IAT) process to refine the instructions for a Movie Database Assistant.

AI-Driven Testing

See Getting Started with AI-Driven Testing for an example of how to use the AI-Driven Testing process to test a Movie Database Assistant.

Getting Started Guide: Table of Contents

Getting Started with Daring Mechanician

Daring Mechanician consists of the following packages:

  • mechanician: the core package for building, running, and testing Tool Augmented Generative AI (TAG AI) applications.

  • mechanician-openai: provides AIConnector classes for connecting to the OpenAI Chat API and the OpenAI Assistants API.

  • mechanician-arangodb: provides an AITools class that lets AIs interact with the ArangoDB graph database.

The roadmap includes more AIConnectors for connecting to different LLMs, and more AITools that let AIs interact with different systems.

Getting Started With The Example Projects

To run the example projects, you'll need to install mechanician-openai to connect to an OpenAI GPT, and you will also need an OpenAI API Key].

You can install it using pip:

pip install mechanician-openai

The examples directory contains examples of Tool Augmented Generative AI projects.

  • examples/tmdb is an example of a The Movie Database (TMDb) Assistant that uses the OpenAI Chat API to answer questions about movies and their casts and crews.

  • examples/arango_movie_db is an example of a Movie Document Database Assistant that uses the ArangoDB to record information on movies, their casts, and reviews.

The Core Classes and Concepts

The next few sections will cover the core classes and concepts used to build and run Tool Augmented Generative AI (TAG AI) applications.

  • TAGAI Class
  • AITools Abstract Class
  • Instruction Sets
  • AIConnector Classes
  • Mechanician Shell


The TAGAI class is used to create instance of a Tool Augmented Generative AI.

from mechanician import TAGAI

ai = TAGAI(ai_connector=ai_connector,

Alternatively, you can pass an instruction_set_directory to the constructor, and it will load the the ai_instructions and tool_instructions from the designated directory.

ai = TAGAI(ai_connector=OpenAIChatConnector(),

The TAGAI class takes the following parameters:

  • AIConnector: Provides a connection to a LLM API, such as the OpenAI Chat API or the OpenAI Assistants API.

  • AITools: Provides a set of tools that the AI can use to interact with other systems, databases, and interfaces.

  • Instruction Set Directory: The directory containing the instruction for the TAG AI, describing its role and behaviors, and the instructions for the tools used by the AI.

Here are some examples of how to use the TAGAI class:

  • mechanician_tmdb/main.py: a TAG AI that uses TMDbAITools for interacting with the The Movie Database (TMDb) API, the OpenAIChatConnector to connect to the OpenAI Chat API.

  • examples/arango_movie_db/main.py: a TAG AI that uses DocumentManagerAITools from the mechanician-arangodb package to interact with the ArangoDB graph database and the OpenAIChatConnector to connect to the OpenAI Chat API.

  • mechanician/instruction_tuning.py: an Instructor AI that uses AutoTuningAITools for tuning and updating the instructions for another AI, and the OpenAIChatConnector to connect to the OpenAI Chat API.

AITools Abstract Class

The AITools class is the base class used to create AI tools.

from mechanician import AITools

class ExampleAITools(AITools):
    def example_tool1(self, parameters):

Each tool method takes a single parameter, a dict of input parameters, and returns a JSON serializable object.

These methods should fail gracefully, returning an error message if the tool call fails, and should provide detailed feedback to the AI about the results of the tool call.

Examples of AITools classes:

Instruction Sets

If you pass an instruction_set_directory to the TAGAI constructor, it will load the the ai_instructions and tool_instructions from the designated directory.

ai = TAGAI(ai_connector=OpenAIChatConnector(),

The default name and location of the directory is ./instructions, and the default names for the instruction files are ai_instructions.md and tool_instructions.json.

Alternatively, you can pass the ai_instructions and tool_instructions directly to the TAGAI constructor.

ai = TAGAI(ai_connector=ai_connector,

The advantage of storing the instruction in the instruction_set_directory is that it allows you to use the Instruction Auto-Tuning (IAT) process to refine the instructions for the AI.

  • The ai_instructions.json file contains the instructions for the AI, defining its role and behaviors.

  • The tool_instructions.json file contains the instructions for the tools used by the AI. In the case of the OpenAI Connectors, it contains JSON Schema describing the tools and their parameters.

   "tool1": {
      "name": "tool1",
      "description": "Tool 1 Description",
      "parameters": {
         "parameter1": {
            "name": "parameter1",
            "description": "Parameter 1 Description"

Some example instruction sets:

AIConnector Classes

The AIConnector class is used to create a connection to a LLM API. There are currently connectors for OpenAI's Chat API and OpenAI's Assistants API.

The roadmap includes connectors to other LLM APIs that support function calling, including connectors for local LLMs.

OpenAI Connectors

pip install mechanician-openai

You can pass the following values directly to the OpenAI connectors, but you may want use environment variables, or include them in a .env file:



The advantage of the OpenAIChatConnector is that it supports streaming responses from the Chat API, which feels more responsive for interactive applications, and tool calls are executed as soon as they stream in, so you don't need to wait for all the parallel tool calls to stream in before executing the first.

from mechanician_openai import OpenAIChatConnector


The advantages of the OpenAIAssistantsConnector are that it supports all the additional functionality of the the Assistants API, but it definitely feels less responsive due to the lack of streaming.

from mechanician_openai import OpenAIAssistantsConnector

Additional Assistants Connector Environment Variables:


You can also include these variables in a .env file.

Running the AI

You can use the mechanician.shell to interact with the AI on the command line.

from mechanician import shell

Getting Started with Instruction Auto-Tuning

See the arango_movie_db example to see how to use the Instruction Auto-Tuning (IAT) process to refine the instructions for a Movie Document Database Assistant.

Use the save_tuning_session method of the TAGAI class to save the current tuning session,


This will save the current tuning session to a file called tuning_session.json in the ./tuning_sessions directory; you can provide an alternative directory location or file name.

and then use the instruction_auto_tuner in the mechanician_openai package to run the Instructor AI and start the an interactive Instruction Auto-Tuning session.

python3 -m mechanician_openai.instruction_auto_tuner

Use the /file chat command to load the tuning session saved earlier.

> /file ./tuning_sessions/tuning_session.json

The Instructor will then be able to use the session data to evaluate the AI's performance during its recorded interactions with a user (or Evaluator AI), describing its errors and successes, and then can be requested to create a draft of revised instructions for the AI, the tools, and tool parameters, in order to improve the AI's performance.

If the updated instruction set is satisfactory, you can ask the Instructor to commit the changes.

> commit the revisions

The Instructor's evaluations of the Assistant's performance can be really useful, as are it's recommended revisions to the instructions, but sometimes its revisions will only include instructions covering the errors it determined the Assistant made, and you may want to add additional instructions to cover other cases; you can do this by manually editing the draft instructions before commiting them or by asking the Instructor to make further revisions.

Instruction Auto-Tuning AITools

  • draft_ai_instructions: Creates a draft of revisions to the AI's Instructions.
  • draft_tool_instructions: Creates a draft of revisions to Tool Instructions.
  • draft_tool_parameter_instructions: Creates a draf of revisions to the parameter instructions for a tool.
  • commit_draft_instructions: Commits the draft of the new instructions, replacing the original instructions after making an archive copy of the original instructions.

Getting Started with AI-Driven Testing

The mechanician.testing package includes the QandATest class and the run_q_and_a_evaluations and run_task_evaluation functions for driving test interactions with an Evaluator AI.

AI Q&A Program Tests

The QandATest class lets you pair a series of prompts with their expected responses, and the run_q_and_a_evaluations function lets you substitue the Evaluator AI for a human user to submit the prompts and evaluate if the AI's responses correspond to the expected responses. Since Generative AIs responses can vary in length and detail, it can be difficult to directly compare the AI's responses to the expected responses with standard programming tools, which is where the Evaluator AI can step in to help evaluate the AI's responses and provide a PASS or FAIL assessment.

from mechanician.testing import QandATest, run_q_and_a_evaluations
import unittest

class TestAI(unittest.TestCase):

   def test_ai(self):
      ai = init_ai()
      evaluator_at = init_evaluator_ai()
      tests = [QandATest(prompt="What is the name of the actor playing the titular character in the upcoming Furiosa movie?", 
                         expected="Anya Taylor-Joy"),
               QandATest(prompt="What is the name of the actor plays Ken in the Barbie movie?",
                         expected="Ryan Gosling"),
               QandATest(prompt="Who played Barbie?",
                         expected="Margot Robbie"),
               QandATest(prompt="What is the first movie that the actor that plays the titual character in the upcoming Furiosa movie?", 
                         expected="The Witch")]

      results, messages = run_q_and_a_evaluations(ai, tests, evaluator_ai)

      for result in results:
         self.assertEqual(result.evaluation, "PASS")

Examples of AI-Driven Q&A Tests:

Run AI-Driven Tests

$ python3 -m mechanician_tmdb.test

AI Task Evaluations

The run_task_evaluation function lets you substitute the Evaluator AI for a human user in tasks involving multi-step interactions with an AI. You provide the Evaluator AI with instructions on its role and objectives and the role and abilities of the AI assistant.

from mechanician.testing import run_task_evaluation
import unittest

class TestAI(unittest.TestCase):

   def test_ai(self):
      ai = init_ai()
      evaluator_at = init_evaluator_ai()
      evaluation, messages = run_task_evaluation(ai, evaluator_ai)

      self.assertEqual(evaluation, "PASS")

Examples of AI-Driven Task Evaluations:

Run AI-Driven Tests

$ python3 -m arango_movie_db.test_ai

Getting Started with mechanician-arangodb

The mechanician-arangodb package provides AITools that let AIs interact with the ArangoDB graph databases.

The Arango Document Manager AI Tools

  • create_document_collection: Creates a document collection in the database
  • create_link_collection: Creates an link collection in the database
  • delete_collection: Deletes a collection from the database
  • delete_document: Deletes a document from a collection
  • delete_link: Deletes a link from a collection
  • create_document: Creates a document in a collection
  • add_field_to_document: Adds a field to a document in a collection
  • link_documents: Links two documents in a collection
  • get_document: Retrieves a document from a collection
  • list_documents_linked_to: Lists all documents in the target collection that are linked from the source document.
  • list_documents_linked_from: Lists all documents in the target collection that are linked to the source document.
  • list_documents: Lists all documents in a collection
  • list_links: Lists all links in a collection
  • list_inbound_links: Lists all inbound links to a document.
  • list_outbound_links: Lists all outbound links from a document.
  • list_document_collections: Lists all document collections in the database
  • list_link_collections: Lists all link collections in the database
  • list_collections: Lists all collections in the database
from mechanician_arangodb import DocumentManagerAITools
from arango import ArangoClient
arango_client = ArangoClient(hosts=os.getenv("ARANGO_HOST"))
doc_tools = DocumentManagerAITools(arango_client, database_name=database_name)
ai = TAGAI(ai_connector=ai_connector, 
           name="Movie Document Manager AI")

Example project:

Getting Started with the TMDb Example

The TMDb example uses the The Movie Database (TMDb) API to provide a Movie Database Assistant that answers questions about movies and their casts and crews.

See the examples/tmdb directory more information.

Getting Started with the Arango Movie Database Example

This example project uses the ArangoDB graph database and the mechanician-arangodb package to provide a Movie Database Assistant that records information on movies, their casts, and reviews.

See the examples/arango_movie_db for more information.